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What Did You Learn in Disastrous 2020?

December 26, 2020

How carefully have you been reading our column over the past year?  Take our True or False quiz. #1: Excessive amounts of fructose, one of the main carbohydrates in refined sugar, is converted by the liver into fat. Glucose, the other component of sugar, is burned up as energy by all cells. #2: It’s prudent to brush the tongue after eating, not just your teeth, as this removes bacteria, fungi, and even protozoa from deep fissures with benefits for your overall health. #3 Magnesium found in dark leaf greens and whole grains helps to dilate arteries and lower blood pressure. #4 The World Health Organization and 15,000 scientists have signed a petition warning humanity to cut back on eating meat, citing the environmental harm...Read More

Miscellaneous, Neurology, Philosophy, Psychiatry

Stay with the happy people

December 19, 2020

This year, the holidays aren’t what they should be. At least the vaccine’s roll-out brings anticipation that 2021 will see a return to normal. Until then, what would be our health advice to cooped up readers in this unusual holiday season? Here are a few suggestions: Say hello. Connecting with extended family by phone is our best option for now. It’s a great time to reach out to old friends too. Behavioural scientists at the University of Chicago and UC Berkeley report we underestimate the positive impact of connecting with others for both our own and others' well-being.  Their research shows that we tend to abhor a conversation with a perfect stranger until we have it.  So when the pandemic subsides,...Read More


How Would You Treat Your Own Mother?

December 12, 2020

It was 1949 and I was making rounds at the Massachusetts General Hospital with Professor Edward D. Churchill, an original thinker who taught medical school students and residents the importance of science in surgical practice. The X-ray showed a small mass in one lung in a very frail elderly lady. If it was a benign lesion, an operation might kill her. If it was malignancy and we did not operate, it might end her life. After much discussion, Professor Churchill asked a question I’ve never forgotten, “How would you treat your own mother?” I told this story to Diana while discussing the number of people dying in seniors’ homes due to COVID. What treatment would we want for our family members? It’s...Read More

Cardiovascular, Nutrition

Measure Your Coronary Risk with the Omega-3 Index

December 5, 2020

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in North America. Almost half of all U.S. adults have some type of cardiovascular disease, and in Canada, a woman dies of heart disease every 20 minutes. Heart disease is not often a disease of chance or bad luck. For the most part, it is a lifestyle disease. There are things we can do to prevent it. We write columns every week to help readers avoid becoming a statistic. The fact that omega-3 fatty acids can help make the difference between life and death has been a frequent topic.  But don’t take our word for it. Take a test and find out for yourself. That’s exactly what we are doing. The Omega-3 Index is...Read More


People in Pain Need Protection from False Pot Promotion

November 28, 2020

What’s the worst kind of pain? At the top of the list is debilitating chronic pain that, despite painkillers and other treatments, is unrelenting day after day. Chronic pain gradually destroys the soul. A study of suicide cases between 2003 and 2014 found evidence that as many as 10% of cases involved chronic pain. Now, with the availability of marijuana for medical treatment in Canada and most US states, is new hope being corrupted by false advertising? No one should suffer pain that can be safely managed. The addition of medical marijuana as a treatment option has helped many. But despite heavy regulation, there are unscrupulous entrepreneurs ready to make a quick buck, and they are banking on your trust. What...Read More


What steak lovers should know about plant-based meats

November 21, 2020

We live at a time of growing choices regarding food substitutes. But how good are these new products when compared with the old staples? Think of margarine versus butter. Or more recently plant-based meats versus the real McCoy? Was William Shakespeare right when he wrote, “A substitute shines brightly as a King, until a King be by”? A report from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University provides plenty to chew on. Deciding what to do isn’t just a personal decision. It also involved implications for our planet. According to researchers at Tufts, sales of meat alternatives increased 30% in 2018. This increase is expected to continue since plant-based, meatless “meat” has become available at several fast-food outlets....Read More

Miscellaneous, Neurology, Psychiatry

Take steps to less chronic stress

November 14, 2020

Nothing can be more heart wrenching than the sudden death of a loved one. The visualization of a wrench tightening on the heart is apt. It can feel that way and the physical harm done from such intense pressure is not good for your health. Isaac Asimov, professor of biochemistry and prolific writer of science fiction, said, “Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.” It’s troublesome for the individual at death’s door, certainly. But it’s also tragic for family and friends. It’s devastating – and lasting – for a life partner. If we are lucky enough to face the trauma of a heart wrench only once in life, we might not need to worry about it. But 2020...Read More

Miscellaneous, Neurology

Shaking: An Annoyance or Parkinson’s Disease?

November 7, 2020

It’s fair to say, these are shaky times!  In keeping with the rocky ride of 2020, have you noticed your hands shaking lately? Are you having trouble tying your shoes, signing your name, or embarrassed that the glass your holding is shaking? You think of those suffering from Parkinson’s disease. And you wonder if you are experiencing first signs of this trouble. Parents may also have concerns if their child has shaky hand movements. A report from the University of California says that a condition called essential tremor can occur in young children and young adults. This problem increases with age. At around age 60, about 5% of people notice a slight tremor. Another study states that about 1% of the...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Vitamins

What’s the Best Approach to Natural Supplements?

October 31, 2020

Readers of this column know, the Gifford-Jones natural health philosophy is built on the premise that the medical establishment should not be your first stop for staying healthy.  Doctors are best as a last resort. Tragic bad luck aside, your first defense should be Mother Nature in combination with good lifestyle choices.  But what does this mean as you age? Natural supplements are low-cost and widely available, but they are not marketed with the same multimillion-dollar budgets as most pharmaceutical drugs.  So a good starting point is to adopt common sense. Unless your doctor has a strong rationale for putting you on drugs, and a plan to get you off them, you should ask more questions and do more homework.  Have you,...Read More


Why Do Health Inequities Persist?

October 24, 2020

There’s an old adage that “when white folks catch a cold, black folks get pneumonia.” The COVID-19 epidemic has made it deadly clear. Throughout North America, wherever data is tracked, people of African heritage have higher coronavirus infection rates, higher death rates of COVID-19, and are carrying an inequitable burden of many other diseases to boot. In 1984, the US Department of Health and Human Services commissioned the Heckler Report, a landmark study of racial and ethnic minority health.  Heckler declared the lack of progress on racial injustice and health care was an “affront to our ideals and to the genius of American medicine.” Since then, very little has changed. For instance, research studies to this day still identify Black populations as...Read More

Cancer, Radiation

Did Radiation Protect President Carter from Pancreatic Cancer?

October 17, 2020

What do former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Gifford-Jones have in common? They were both born the same year and have remarkable staying power! But Carter has lived under the shadow of pancreatic cancer all his life. His father, brother, and two sisters died of this disease and his mother also suffered from it. Carter has also lived through metastatic melanoma, a skin cancer that had spread to his liver and brain.  How did he do it? Rod Adams, an atomic energy expert, has said that moderate radiation exposure may have helped to protect the former president from developing pancreatic cancer. During the nuclear meltdown at Chalk River in 1952, Carter was a naval officer working on the secret nuclear program. He...Read More


During the Pandemic Are We Drinking Too Much Chardonnay?

October 10, 2020

Winston Churchill, Great Britain’s wartime Prime Minister, once remarked that, “he had gotten more out of alcohol than alcohol had taken out of him.” During the Nazi bombing of London perhaps an alcoholic drink eased his tension. But recent reports from Tufts University in Boston and the University of California, question the increased use of alcohol during this viral pandemic. So, should we cut back on glasses of Chardonnay? How much has the viral pandemic affected us? According to a Nielsen report, alcohol sales in the U.S. increased by 55% in March 2020. In China, where the infection started, sales of alcohol increased twofold. When we drink alcohol, enzymes in the liver break down the alcohol molecule creating a compound called, acetaldehyde....Read More

Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology

Unripe Apples Protect from Threat of a Fatty Liver

October 3, 2020

Worried about having too many alcoholic drinks during the coronavirus pandemic? Think you’re on the way to liver cirrhosis? If so, think again and wonder whether you are instead developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It can lead to cirrhosis and possibly liver cancer. A report from the University of California says NAFLD is now the most common liver disorder in North America. So how do unripe apples decrease the risk of this growing threat? Today, it’s estimated that worldwide 25 percent of adults have NAFLD. And if you are obese, nine out of ten obese people, suffer from this condition. Researchers report that between 2000 and 2010 liver cancer associated with NAFLD soared tenfold. The result? It’s fast becoming the...Read More

Infection, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

Go Ahead and Catch the Travel Bug

September 26, 2020

William Shakespeare wrote, “In the night, imagining some fear, how easy is a bush supposed a bear!” For many families having lost loved ones to the coronavirus, this has been a devastating year. The death numbers are broadcast relentlessly. Small wonder people have become paranoid about travelling. But does this anxiety make sense? Normally airports are chaotic and unpleasant.  Joyless crowds stand toe-to-toe in long lineups through insufferable screenings and baggage checks, only to be herded like sheep onto cramped planes. But now could be the best time to travel. Airports are not crowded and much cleaner. Some flights leave the middle seat empty – a welcome move. Skeptics worry about contact with the coronavirus while seated for hours breathing shared air on...Read More


How healthy is your poop?

September 19, 2020

Research for this column won’t qualify us for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. In fact, readers may say that discussing whether poop sinks or floats is just idle conversation. Years ago, when this column covered this topic, many readers admitted they peeked into the toilet bowl. One complained this triggered a stiff neck! But what you see in the toilet bowel exposes a lot about your health. It’s worth a peek. It’s well known that the North American diet is too low in fiber. In the 1950s, D.P. Burkett, a British surgeon and epidemiologist, reported that Africans, unlike the English, had large bulky stools and didn’t suffer from constipation, diverticulitis (small hernias in the large bowel), appendicitis or colon cancer. His...Read More

Lungs, Neurology

Do We All Need Respiratory Masks?

September 12, 2020

Will the so-called progress of civilization eventually destroy us? Indigenous Peoples, hundreds of years ago, did not devastate nature the way we do today. Oceans are loaded with plastics and soil with dangerous contaminants. Now, is the air we breathe gradually destroying our brains? A report published in Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences has grim news. We’ve known for decades that breathing in dirty air damages lungs. But research now reveals that long-term exposure to particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide is linked to decreased brain function. The lungs are a vital gateway to the body. Their surface area is the size of a tennis court and during a 24-hour period we breathe in 10,000 liters of air. The World...Read More


When Is the Right Time for Knee Replacement?

September 5, 2020

Ask a comedian, tennis player, or chef, what’s important in their work. They will tell you, it’s timing. Every year 1,200,000 knees are replaced in North America. And just as comedians need good timing, so too this elective surgery.  If COVID-19 concerns have you delaying treatment, you may want to think again. Researchers at the Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University report in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery that many people are getting it wrong. Their eight-year study involved 8002 patients aged 45 to 79 who were at risk of osteoarthritis. Assessing patients for knee replacement involves consideration of age, severity of symptoms, and what x-rays show of knee damage.  Researchers found that 90% of people with knee osteoarthritis...Read More

Lifestyle, Sports

What Are the Benefits of Walking?

August 29, 2020

Dr. Paul Dudley White, former Professor of Cardiology at the Harvard Medical School, used to ride his bike to class even in his later years. He remarked, “If you want to see how good your brain is, feel your leg muscles!” Biking may not be for everyone, but research shows the simple act of walking is tremendously good for you.  Stronger brain and leg muscles are just the beginning. If COVID has got you hunkered down, you’d do well to get out in fresh air for a daily walk. Metabolic benefits A study in Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology reports that a brisk walk can decrease the risk of hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease just as much as running....Read More


Treat Your One Million Nephrons With TLC

August 22, 2020

Why don’t we learn from history? Years ago, Australians began to use mixtures of powders containing Aspirin, codeine, phenacetin and caffeine to ease pain. By the 1970s, 25% of those dying of kidney disease had consumed too much of this powder. They also suffered hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis) and heart attack. Now, Dr. Richard Glassock, Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, says that more than half of North Americans over 75 have chronic kidney disease (CKD). Kidneys, he says, need tender loving care (TLC) to avoid this avoidable common problem. One must never forget the wise counsel of Sir William Osler who remarked, “The one thing that separates man from animals is man’s desire to take...Read More


Hepatitis C Is Silent Like the Fog

August 15, 2020

It’s a shame when you are slowly dying from a disease you don’t know you have.  To boot, what a tragedy if there is a cure.  Yet this ignorance is a reality for many aging boomers who don’t know that they are infected with the hepatitis C virus.  For these unfortunate people, their health exists in a state of fog, when it could be all sunshine and roses. Anyone can contract hepatitis C.  Infection occurs through transmission of tainted blood.  It’s rare to be infected today through the healthcare system, as we’ve gotten much better at screening blood products and of course sterilizing medical equipment.  Today, it is likely the reuse of injection needles by users of street drugs that leads...Read More


Vitamin D to Survive the Pandemic

August 8, 2020

An effective vaccine against the coronavirus may be the only way to end the pandemic.  Wouldn’t we all love a return to social normalcy and easier sleep?  But until scientists deliver a vaccine, or until the virus runs its course and goes away, we need to use other measures. Among them, medical authorities should be sharing more information with the public about natural ways to build up immunity against viral infections. Vitamin D is one of the crucial components of your immune system.  Many people are deficient in it, but perhaps because there are no headlines about it, some people don’t seem to care.  Now, a report in the Irish Medical Journal says it’s vital to have the right amount of...Read More

Infection, Vitamins

 How Safe Is It To Send Your Child Back To School?

August 1, 2020

Parents are wondering if it’s safe to send children back to school when so many are still becoming infected with coronavirus. What are the factors to consider? And what can parents do to help ensure children are protected? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reports the academic, physical, and mental benefits of in-person learning outweigh coronavirus risks. Negative impacts on children during school closures include social isolation, substance abuse, depression and suicidal ideation. In fact, the detrimental effects of children missing out on school are well known, even before COVID-19.  Millions of youngsters around the world suffer lifelong social and economic consequences when lacking access to quality education.  But when it’s our children, the list of negatives grows longer by the hour...Read More


How Safe and Nutritious Are Stored Canned Goods?

July 25, 2020

Are you sufficiently prepared for another crisis? What might possibly be the next disaster?  You might argue, we are not yet out of the mess of the current one.  And this should have us all thinking about keeping stock of essential supplies.  Have you got the things you need? Hopefully not guns to protect your toilet paper!  More importantly, what about canned foods? How nutritious are they compared to fresh produce?  How long do they last stored under the bed? And when can they kill you? Even without a pandemic it’s prudent to have a supply of canned goods. Remember the last snowstorm, flood, or natural disaster, when it was too dangerous to get to a store or no power to...Read More

Dental, Infection

Is It Now Safe to Visit the Dentist?

July 18, 2020

Visiting the dentist is rarely a high priority, even in the best of times. We can always find reasons for delay.  But what level of coronavirus threat should justify more waiting? There is increasing concern that all these closures of “non-essential” healthcare service providers may, in some cases, be doing more harm than good. There’s serious concern regarding delays in some cancer treatments.  And some heart attack victims have also been delayed in getting help until it is too late.  However, it’s understandable that non-emergency dental care has been on hold. As time goes by though, we must heed the importance of a regular dental cleaning and check-up.  And many will need more involved dental work. So as dental offices reopen, how...Read More


Physical Activity Decreases Risk of Seven Cancers

July 11, 2020

Is physical activity good for you? During COVID times, it might be prudent to avoid cramped, indoor gyms.  But outdoor activity in open spaces is invariably a healthy choice. We know that getting off the couch and out for a walk helps prevent obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heart attacks. And good news! A recent report from the American Cancer Society says exercise also lowers the risk of seven types of cancers. Dr. Charles Matthews of the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. pooled data from nine studies about how leisure-time activity affects 15 types of cancer. His results should act as a huge incentive to get people of all ages moving. Matthews and his colleagues report that those who engaged in...Read More